Fruitful engagement in internet governance processes nationally, regionally and globally

APC members, staff and partnering civil society actors played key roles in convening and organising internet governance processes nationally, regionally and globally in 2017. This was done through participation in the global IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group and the Best Practice Forums (BPFs), participation in regional multistakeholder steering committees and involvement in regional and national IGFs.

This engagement resulted in increased and more diverse presence of civil society voices and perspectives in internet governance spaces as panellists, speakers, organisers of sessions, and active members of the IGF intersessional dynamics.

In addition to this work at the global level, APC co-organised or took part in the steering committees of regional IGFs such as the Latin America and Caribbean IGF (Panama, August 2017), the Asia-Pacific IGF (Thailand, July 2017) and the African IGF (Egypt, December 2017). APC staff also actively participated in the Plan of Action for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC) process.

At the national level, APC supported partners’ participation in national IGFs in Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as the national IGF in Argentina that took place in November 2017.

To watch out for: APC will continue engaging in these multistakeholder spaces nationally, regionally and globally, with key participation in the regional IGFs and at the 2018 IGF scheduled to take place in Paris, France, in November. The gender equality-related recommendations made by APC in 2017 in the eLAC process were included in the Digital Agenda 2018-2020 under Internet Governance, objective 23, at the 6th Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in LAC, which took place in Cartagena, Colombia, in April 2018.

Image: Anriette Esterhuysen, APC’s director of global policy and strategy, as a panellist during the 2017 IGF opening session.