2017 APC ANNUAL REPORT https://2017report.apc.org/ A YEAR OF TRANSITIONING Fri, 21 Sep 2018 21:27:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://2017report.apc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/favicon.jpg 2017 APC ANNUAL REPORT https://2017report.apc.org/ 32 32 From our chair https://2017report.apc.org/2018/09/11/from-our-chair/ Tue, 11 Sep 2018 05:00:07 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=879 APC’s internal management transition in 2017 turned out to be a very smooth process thanks to the commitment from both our outgoing director, Anriette Esterhuysen, and our incoming director, Chat Garcia Ramilo. These changes in the management of APC brought new approaches to the leadership of our programmes and new visions that will help us […]

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APC’s internal management transition in 2017 turned out to be a very smooth process thanks to the commitment from both our outgoing director, Anriette Esterhuysen, and our incoming director, Chat Garcia Ramilo.

These changes in the management of APC brought new approaches to the leadership of our programmes and new visions that will help us to continue being a vibrant organisation, one that is very well recognised globally for enabling people to access a free and open internet, improving their lives and creating a fairer world, as our mission states.

Throughout the year we were looking back to our roots, when most of our members focused on providing access to the internet to activists and organisations working for development, given that 50% of the world’s population is still not connected and most of them live in developing countries and in rural areas. This situation has led us to make a greater effort to put forward new initiatives to connect these communities by providing new solutions based on free and open source software and hardware that nowadays can provide a new opportunity to bring connectivity at an affordable cost.

APC members have been working for a very long time with grassroots organisations and we know first-hand about their difficulties in attaining reliable and affordable internet connections. They have been waiting for a long time to get connected by traditional commercial providers, which are denying them this access, arguing that it is not economically feasible to implement the infrastructure needed, especially in rural areas.

Deploying community networks is a new alternative for these communities that are still unconnected or underconnected. Experiences from APC members that have been implementing different models of community networks, like Rhizomatica in Mexico, Pangea in Catalonia, AlterMundi in Argentina and Zenzeleni in South Africa, are inspirational models where the communities operate their own networks and provide connectivity to themselves. They have both inspired and supported us in bringing these alternatives to other countries like Colombia, where my organisation, Colnodo, is replicating them in different scenarios in rural areas.These initiatives have raised new challenges, especially in relation to guaranteeing access to spectrum in order to carry out the deployment of these community networks. This is especially important for initiatives such as cellular community networks, where the spectrum is usually assigned to telecommunications companies that maintain a monopoly on communications without leaving space for these alternatives.

The work of APC and its members in this field has initiated high-level discussions to ensure that global policies recognise these initiatives as viable and reliable solutions to connect these communities.

Having APC as a platform to influence access-related policies is essential for connecting these communities and for other APC programmes to have a greater impact in these communities, which historically have been denied the benefits of connectivity.

Great challenges await us, but it is very satisfying for me to see the evolution of our organisation and network adapting to new challenges and continuing to work on providing people with a free and open internet for all.

Julián Casasbuenas G.
Former Chair of the APC Board of Directors from 2014 to 2017

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William Drake https://2017report.apc.org/2018/09/04/william-drake/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 13:18:47 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=812 The post William Drake appeared first on 2017 APC ANNUAL REPORT.


William Drake


I have mostly been working on issues related to data localisation, global data flows, and trade, about which I’m now writing for the World Economic Forum (WEF). In lieu of a more directly relevant answer, I can point you to the internet governance book I did for APC in December 2016. I think there’s some pretty good material in there.

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Rafik Dammak https://2017report.apc.org/2018/09/04/rafik-dammak/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 13:16:16 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=808 The post Rafik Dammak appeared first on 2017 APC ANNUAL REPORT.


Rafik Dammak


Updates on Human Rights Council (HRC) work are always welcome and helpful, as it is not easy to follow the activities of the council. Also, sending or working with other organisations to submit letters or statements to the HRC. I am also discovering community networks and the work being done around them.


I think Weapons of Math Destruction, as it is an easy book on algorithmic accountability and social issues related to the usage of artificial intelligence (AI) for decision making and how it impacts people’s lives.

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Poncelet Ileleji https://2017report.apc.org/2018/09/04/poncelet-ileleji/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 13:13:51 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=806 The post Poncelet Ileleji appeared first on 2017 APC ANNUAL REPORT.


Poncelet Ileleji


Policy work, especially work at the global level involving the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and internet governance consultations.


A blog post published in David Souter’s column on APC.org in April: Inside the Information Society: The impact of the Internet on democratic politics.

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Leonardo Maccari https://2017report.apc.org/2018/09/04/leonardo-maccari/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 13:08:53 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=803 The post Leonardo Maccari appeared first on 2017 APC ANNUAL REPORT.


Leonardo Maccari


The content of APC’s community networks newsletter is what interested me most. In practice, being involved in community networks in many ways (as an activist and as a researcher), I like to have one source of information that overviews how these networks are evolving with time, around the world.


Generally speaking, I am an ICT researcher, so I read tons of papers and I can’t name one. Due to APC, it could be the newsletter itself, and/or some of the related readings (for instance, about spectrum).

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Highlighting the gender dimension in access policies and discussions https://2017report.apc.org/2018/08/26/bringing-the-gender-dimension-into-access-policies-and-discussions/ Sun, 26 Aug 2018 15:46:07 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=679 2017 saw significant attention to gender and access issues, and APC was poised to inform and convene key discussions in order to advance women’s human rights through ICTs. The 35th UN Human Rights Council session (HRC35) in June 2017 was one of the spaces in which APC engaged in order to amplify the outreach of […]

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2017 saw significant attention to gender and access issues, and APC was poised to inform and convene key discussions in order to advance women’s human rights through ICTs.

The 35th UN Human Rights Council session (HRC35) in June 2017 was one of the spaces in which APC engaged in order to amplify the outreach of access and gender issues. At HRC35 the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a report on “Bridging the Gender Digital Divide from a Human Rights Perspective”. The report reinforced APC’s analysis of gender and access issues, calling for addressing underlying social and cultural barriers to women’s meaningful access and use of the internet and adopting a multifaceted approach towards eliminating online gender-based violence. We co-organised a side event with the OHCHR and the permanent missions of Sweden and the United States on bridging the gender digital divide from a human rights perspective, to give visibility to the gender digital divide as a symptom and cause of violations of women’s human rights, and to mobilise the international community to address it.

APC delivered submissions on access-related policy processes with a focus on gender, including a rights-based access submission to the Gender Working Group of the UN Broadband Commission. APC was also invited to join EQUALS, the global partnership to bridge the gender digital divide, and contributed to its inaugural meetings.

In the global governance arena, APC co-facilitated the IGF Best Practice Forum on Gender and Access, which in 2017 examined the barriers faced by specific communities of women, including women with disabilities, refugee women, young women, elderly women, LGBTIQ women, women in rural areas and indigenous women. The preliminary findings and recommendations of the survey were discussed in a session for further exploration facilitated by APC at the IGF.

APC organised and moderated a pre-event panel and supported the attendance of five women’s rights and sexual rights activists to participate at the Stockholm Internet Forum 2017, which focused on the theme “Framing Access and Power”. APC also participated in the panel “Gender-based violence online: Levelling the discussion.”

GenderIT.org, APC’s gender and ICT policy site, also initiated a periodic column called “Access and beyond”. During 2017, the column explored the motivations of internet use in Africa; zero rating services and their value for ordinary users; the specificities of how access to the internet and the barriers to get it are different for women and men; and how researchers and activists can proactively explore gender dimensions when dealing with access and a progressively increasing gender digital divide.

To watch out for: In 2018, APC will again participate in the IGF Best Practice Forum on access and gender issues. Also look out for more in the GenderIT.org column on community networks and gender, and some action happening during the AfChix TechWomen Summit 2018.

Image: APC Women’s rights policy lead, Jan Moolman, participating in the panel “Gender-based violence online leveling the discussion” at the Internet Stockholm Forum.

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Engagement in key forums on access-related policy, regulatory and governance processes https://2017report.apc.org/2018/08/25/greater-participation-of-womens-and-sexual-rights-advocates-at-access-related-events/ Sat, 25 Aug 2018 18:24:12 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=648 During 2017, in line with our longstanding commitment to promoting innovative and people-centred approaches to access (including areas such as digital migration, community networks, infrastructure sharing, dynamic spectrum management, open hardware, public access and access for women), APC continued advocating for access to information and communications technologies (ICTs) as enablers for achieving the Sustainable Development […]

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During 2017, in line with our longstanding commitment to promoting innovative and people-centred approaches to access (including areas such as digital migration, community networks, infrastructure sharing, dynamic spectrum management, open hardware, public access and access for women), APC continued advocating for access to information and communications technologies (ICTs) as enablers for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). APC intervened and engaged at national, regional and global forums, including the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), as well as the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) and the Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa (CRASA).

APC participated in numerous global events focused on community networks as a means of promoting access, such as the Community Networks Exchange in Asia-Pacific in September; the Digital Citizen Summit, organised by APC member organisation Digital Empowerment Foundation and ISOC, in September in New Delhi, India; and the Second Summit on Community Networks in Africa in May in Nairobi, Kenya. We organised a workshop on Local Connectivity Solutions for the Unconnected at the WSIS Forum, convened by the ITU in June 2017 in Geneva.

APC delivered a statement at the WSIS Forum High-Level Policy Session, “Inclusiveness – Access to Information and Knowledge for All”, where we emphasised the need to encourage governments to develop policy and regulatory environments that support community-based local access networks as well as other inclusive approaches.

We participated in a Workshop on Policy and Regulatory Advocacy for Community Networks with Civil Society organised in October in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a pre-event to the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) and, in partnership with ISOC and Rhizomatica, worked at the WTDC in November to promote the adoption of a resolution in favour of community networks. At the Stockholm Internet Forum 2017 in May, APC staff members were panelists in the session, “Helping the last four billion get connected: The potential for small-scale community-based networks”.

At the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2017 in Geneva, APC participated in several workshops on community networks and in particular the Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3), where APC’s paper on research methodology was presented and published in the DC3 2017 annual report. APC also contributed to the IGF session on Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion.

In addition, APC delivered submissions on access-related policy and regulatory processes nationally and regionally, contributing to an increased understanding of APC’s people-centred perspective on access, innovative regulatory approaches and public policy recommendations. The inputs provided to the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) Multistakeholder Working Group on multilateral development bank support for access, and a submission to ITU’s public consultation on over-the-top services (OTTs), among others, show APC’s deep commitment to this area of work.

Image: Screenshot of the video from the Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) session at the 2017 IGF.

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Better-informed and more resilient community networks https://2017report.apc.org/2018/08/25/better-informed-and-more-resilient-community-networks/ Sat, 25 Aug 2018 18:23:14 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=647 Under the Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves? project implemented by APC in partnership with ISOC and Rhizomatica, APC published the first edition of a community networks and local access monthly newsletter in December 2017. This newsletter contributes to shaping a better-informed community of practitioners with greater resources for implementation and operation of […]

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Under the Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves? project implemented by APC in partnership with ISOC and Rhizomatica, APC published the first edition of a community networks and local access monthly newsletter in December 2017. This newsletter contributes to shaping a better-informed community of practitioners with greater resources for implementation and operation of more resilient, locally-owned telecommunications infrastructure.

Every newsletter edition contains opportunities for involvement, calls for grants, information on upcoming events related to community networks and local access, academic publications, news and blogs on the topic, regulatory updates and more, all in a multilingual format. You can subscribe to receive the newsletter here.

To watch out for: Prepare for many more newsletter editions in 2018! Also, the 2018 edition of the annual Global Information Society Watch report will focus on community networks and include over 40 country reports and eight thematic chapters.

Image: Rhizomatica.

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Support to 11 community networks in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe https://2017report.apc.org/2018/08/25/support-to-11-community-networks-in-africa-latin-america-asia-and-europe/ Sat, 25 Aug 2018 18:21:40 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=643 2017 was the first year of the “Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves?” project, which we implemented in partnership with APC member organisation Rhizomatica, from Mexico, and the Internet Society (ISOC), with the involvement of external consultants Nicola Bidwell and Steve Song. As part of this initiative, APC provided technical, policy/regulatory, economic and […]

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2017 was the first year of the “Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves?” project, which we implemented in partnership with APC member organisation Rhizomatica, from Mexico, and the Internet Society (ISOC), with the involvement of external consultants Nicola Bidwell and Steve Song.

As part of this initiative, APC provided technical, policy/regulatory, economic and social assistance, with an emphasis on community networks and gender, to at least 11 community networks and local access initiatives that identified progress in and barriers to their deployment, development and sustainability in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe.

In order to better understand the business, technology and institutional models that have been adopted in a range of community-based and local access networks, APC and our partners carried out in-depth case studies and analysis to identify and understand the gender dimensions of local access networks, the roles women play in them, the barriers to women’s participation and mechanisms to increase their participation and contribute to transforming gender roles.

APC also built regional and global alliances of community networks, and strengthened the capacities of local access practitioners and advocates through the networking and collaboration opportunities provided through the Local Access Networks project and our partnerships.

To watch out for: In 2018, APC will significantly focus on creating an enabling environment for communities and local entrepreneurs to solve their own connectivity challenges, and APC member organisations devoted to promoting community-owned infrastructures will play a major role in these efforts.

Image: Coolab, Brazil.

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APC network’s triennial face-to-face meeting in South Africa https://2017report.apc.org/2018/08/25/apc-networks-triennial-face-to-face-meeting-in-south-africa/ Sat, 25 Aug 2018 18:19:05 +0000 https://2017report.apc.org/?p=635 “We are like a tree, with our members and network being branches that give off this fruit which seeds and grows new trees in the community.” (Mentioned during group work) Getting all of APC’s members together is an opportunity to celebrate the work that has been done and strategise around the work still ahead. After […]

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“We are like a tree, with our members and network being branches that give off this fruit which seeds and grows new trees in the community.” (Mentioned during group work)

Getting all of APC’s members together is an opportunity to celebrate the work that has been done and strategise around the work still ahead. After APC’s last member meeting in Barcelona, Spain, in 2014, the APC network met again from 18 to 21 August in Ithala, South Africa, gathering 34 of APC’s 55 member organisations, as well as one individual member.

On 18 August, the first day of the member meeting, the participants joined together to discuss APC’s direction as a community, framed within APC’s strategic plan for 2016-2019, and our identity. The highlight of the second day of the meeting was when APC members and APC staff shared information about their projects and activities in what was called the “Museum of Moments”, while the third day featured sessions on networking and capacity building. The fourth and last day was the APC Council business day, when the APC Board of Directors and Executive Director Chat Garcia Ramilo reported back on different issues, including an overview of the implementation of the strategic plan to date, a discussion of APC policies, an overview of APC finances for the period 2014-2016, and reports on membership, grants and participation and collaboration.

During this four-day gathering, a total of 70 APC members and staff reviewed, discussed and renewed their commitment to APC’s theory of change and strategic priorities that guide our work through 2019.

Before and after this global member meeting, 11 smaller member meetings were organised alongside events attended by APC members, among them the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, RightsCon in Brussels, the Summit on Community Networks in Nairobi, the WSIS Forum in Geneva, the Stockholm Internet Forum in Stockholm, the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa in Johannesburg, the COCONET Southeast Asia Digital Rights Camp in Yogjakarta, the Asia-Pacific Regional IGF in Bangkok, the Latin American and Caribbean IGF in Panama City, and the Nonprofit Software Development Summit in San Francisco. A brief meeting was also organised during the global IGF in Geneva. In addition, a meeting of five European members was held in January 2017 through support from APC’s Member Exchange and Travel Fund, alongside the eSociety.mk conference in Macedonia. This represents a significantly higher number of member gatherings than in previous years.

To watch out for: APC will host regional member meetings in 2018 that will strengthen and bring together our members around the crucial priorities in every region. Stay tuned as well for a new strategy and membership criteria to be completed in 2018.

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