The government of Cameroon placed special emphasis on ICTs and the internet to address major issues such as youth unemployment, the poor quality of the educational system, poor business competitiveness and the country’s low touristic attractiveness, among others. But is the government ready to allow the internet to fully express its potential? To answer this question, APC member PROTEGE QV benefited from an APC subgrant to analyse the Cameroonian situation from the perspective of the key principles of the
African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The
report produced by PROTEGE QV under this initiative provides an accurate picture of the country’s situation with regard to the 13 key principles outlined by the African Declaration, including a focus on threats, violations, trends and opportunities, an integrated measurement tool of a country’s situation in light of the 13 key principles and an overview of Cameroon’s situation regarding at least 75% of the key principles.